Android app development's future

In today's digitized world businesses must be conversant with fast changing trends in Android app development in order to thrive in today's digital world. As the globe adopts new technologies, app creation will accelerate during the next year.

According to a Statista research from the second quarter of 2021, consumers around the world downloaded over 7.9 million apps from the Apple App Store and 28 billion apps from the Google Play Store. Furthermore, there are approximately 7.1 billion app users worldwide.

Smartphone users typically retain 35 apps on their devices. They also dislike programs that have performance concerns. Nothing, however, can halt the growth of the app development sector. The global mobile app industry was worth $585 billion in 2020 and is expected to be worth $935 billion by 2022.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Future Android Applications

In 2022 and beyond, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be a major factor. It is critical in the mobile app development process. It enables developers to create more tailored app experiences that fit the needs of users.

The worldwide AI market is expected to reach $70.94 billion by 2023.

According to experts, various apps will be built employing technology such as machine learning algorithms and predictive analysis. As a result, Android app developers will be able to provide consumers with a more tailored experience.

Text, image categorization, audio recognition, predictive maintenance, face detection, and other AI technologies may be included in future apps.

5G Technology

Verizon launched 5G technology in 2019 as part of its overseas expansion. However, it is one of the most profitable app development trends for 2022.

The following are the four major advantages of 5G technology over existing 4G and LTE networks:
Low Latency

Instant Applications

Instant apps allow users to test and run apps on their devices without having to download and install them. With numerous apps available online, such features help consumers test the app in a variety of ways. Furthermore, you may simply identify the greatest match for your requirements.

In the following year, mobile app development will reap greater technological benefits. Because of the increasing popularity of instant apps, developers will need to be more attentive in order to produce pleasant and profitable impressions. The New York Times, for example, has already implemented immediate mobile apps.

Final Words

The Google Play Store contains a plethora of Android apps. Android app development will rise tremendously in response to growing corporate needs and shifting user expectations. Every firm should understand the future of app development in order to grow in the coming years. This will assist you in making your company more competitive and profitable.
