"Why Do Programming Languages Diverge So Much?"


This question was asked to me many times by my friends and my juniors. Although it seems silly, the question is not.

The short answer is that we don’t need so many languages, but we want them. Let’s explore this further.

All programming languages are not unique, are they?

Yes, in a sense. Ruby, Java, Python, C#, Go, or JavaScript are all capable of being used to build websites. You can use Rust, Haskell, C, or C++. Or COBOL, Pascal, Perl, etc.

The fact is that all of these languages serve the same purpose, to convert human thinking into 1's and 0's that computers can understand. They are all "Turing complete" in computer parlance.

These languages are all the same at their most fundamental level. On the surface, however, where humans interact with them, they vary greatly. This is where other issues enter the picture.

Different tools for various jobs

Some specific tasks are done only by specific tools, like one cannot edit videos on MS Word, instead we need video editor tool.

Just like the above example we need different programming languages for different projects. Like if we want to make Android apps we use Kotlin, Swift or Java, but if we want to make Web apps, we have to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Developers have taste

Every person has a different taste in things and different way of seeing certain things. It's same in the case of Developers, some like C++, as the runtime is less than any other language, whether some developers like Python, as it is beginner-friendly, and lines of codes are less.
Developers choose the programming language of their preference and they execute the work very efficiently with that language.

People Comes First

Beyond usefulness and taste, businesses are driven by people. Choosing a programming language is frequently influenced by what you or those around you know.
Technologies are supported by "ecosystems," which are groups and organizations that supply the tools and assistance that every creator requires. A solid environment, such as the one that Ruby provides, can help the individual developer succeed.

Strength comes from variety.

To summarize, we have a diversity of programming languages because there are a variety of jobs to be done and individuals to execute those jobs. This diversity allows for fascinating programmes, as well as interesting firms and jobs.
