Internet a boon or bane

The Internet is a boon or bane. This topic has been in every middle school English lecture. An old English saying, "A coin has two sides," fits here perfectly. It depends on every individual and how they use social media, it's not like the smartphone has some kind of magnetic field, and it's user is a metal that will get drawn towards it. People addicted to social media may experience side effects such as eye strain, socially unavailable, or lack of sleep. If a person spends time researching problems or arguing with people, he/she may experience stress, which can harm their health. Internet connects us with our family, friends, or our long distance partners. It has disadvantages like some contents should be hidden from the small kids. Be it instagram, tik tok or any other short video platform, it is affecting the kids a lot as some people don't think twice before posting it. In the conclusion, Internet is a boon if we use it for research purposes which can help in betterment of the society, or for study online for own betterment.

